Hall thruster simulations in WarpX

Thomas A. Marks and Alex A. Gorodetsky 10.7302/23491

IEPC paper 409

Presented at the 38th International Electric Propulsion in Toulouse, France on June 23, 2024.


Two-dimensional (axial-azimuthal) simulations of a Hall thruster are performed using the open-source particle-in-cell code WarpX. The simulation conditions are chosen to match those of the LANDMARK axial-azimuthal benchmark reported by Charoy et. al. in 2019. Additionally, a range of numerical and solver parameters are investigated in order to find those which yield the best performance. By extending the code via its python interface, it is found that WarpX can simulate the benchmark case in 3.8 days on an Nvidia V100 hailing from the same era as the original benchmark, and just in 1.8 days on a more recent Nvidia H100 GPU. Of the numerical parameters investigated, it is determined that the field-solve tolerance and particle resampling thresholds have the largest effect on the simulation wall time, but that particle resampling may artificially widen electron velocity distribution functions, leading to unphysical heating. Using the results of the parameter investigation, an optimized simulation is then performed which completes the benchmark in just 36 hours on a single GPU. The results of this work are discussed in the context of advancements in GPU hardware and the suitability of kinetic Hall thruster simulations for engineering applications.

Code and analysis
Presentation slides
Figure 1: Benchmark simulation domain
Figure 2: WarpX computational cycle and python callbacks
Figure 3: Results in WarpX compared to 2019 benchmark [1]


Cite as Marks, Thomas A. and Gorodetsky, Alex A. “Hall thruster simulations in WarpX”. 38th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Toulouse, France. June 23-28, 2024.

    title = {Hall thruster simulations in {{WarpX}}},
    booktitle = {38th {{International Electric Propulsion Conference, Toulouse, France}}},
    author = {Marks, Thomas A. and Gorodetsky, Alex A.},
    year = {2024}, month = jun, pages = {409},
Charoy T, Boeuf J P, Bourdon A, Carlsson J A, Chabert P, Cuenot B, Eremin D, Garrigues L, Hara K, Kaganovich I D, Powis A T, Smolyakov A, Sydorenko D, Tavant A, Vermorel O and Villafana W 2019 2D axial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for low-temperature partially magnetized plasmas Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 105010

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